​​Phone: 715-582-4268  |  Monday-FRiday 8AM-5PM  |  Saturday - CLick here for availability  |  Sunday - Closed  |  Click here for Emergency care

​Product Information

We are getting hit hard by rising prices and volatility with shipping/product availability and are doing our best to keep costs down while still providing the best service we can. That said, we are decreasing our on-demand, in-office inventories on foods and certain medications that sometimes expire before they can be sold. This will help us reduce waste and keep costs down where we are able.


We need your help:

Plan ahead. To reduce overhead on perishable items, we are carrying less inventory at the clinic starting January 2025. This means items that used to be available same day may not be going forward.

This includes limiting inventoried supplies of medications for heartworm and flea and tick control, as well as many of our prescription foods

Do not panic—the foods and medications your pets need are still available.

Through My Vet Store

My Vet Store is an online shop providing many of the items you currently purchase, shipped directly to your home. Many items can be scheduled for recurring shipments. The store includes brands like Royal Canin, Purina and Hills. Purina and Hills also have vet-direct websites we can help you access. https://peshtigovetclinic.myvetstoreonline.pharmacy/shop

Through our Peshtigo Veterinary Clinic Ordering System, you will still be able to pick up your products at the clinic by placing an order via phone or email petorderspvc@gmail.com  Once the order has been submitted, we will let you know when it is available to be picked up.

We are here to help you. If you have questions, our staff is happy to assist you in finding the option that works best for you and your pet. Contact the clinic for guidance.